Night Marathon 2020

For further information contact Mr. Eric Clarke, WhatsApp/Phone: +1-246-253-2030

Ufukuzo will roll out the 2nd Edition of the Barbados Night Marathon on Sunday 2 Feb. 2020 at 2:00 AM.

This marathon-only event aims to give persons with marathon capability an opportunity to run such a race but in the absence of the sun.

It also caters to persons who have the requisite training but who cannot afford to run overseas.

It will start and finish at the Bay Street Esplanade.


Set up to accommodate a modest maximum of 25 participants, this event will have the post-2012 Olympic Games format.

Participants must complete 4 laps of course which takes them northwards as far as Brighton junction via Chamberlain Bridge and the Harbour and a return via Westbury Road, Baxter's Road and the Charles Duncan O'Neale Bridge - a total distance of 10.56 km or one quarter of a marathon.


We invite Ufukuzo members (present and past), Runners Way, Bajan Marathoners, No Limits and other persons who can show that they have undergone enough training sessions to complete a marathon. Note that we do not rate this as a 100% public event like the Run Barbados Marathon!


We require ALL participants to wear a head lamp for picking up any not-so-obvious holes on the course and as a back up to any interruption on the national electrical grid.

Flashing strobes attached to the runners' rear end would enhance safety

Wear shoes - barefoot running not allowed as you may pick-up a piece of glass or nail due to obvious reduced lighting - compared with a day time race.

No bareback running - help the motorist to see a long way off!

Avoid running tops in the following colours: black, navy blue, grey and brown/beige!

Those persons who want to run or to have a place reserved may at this stage send to my WhatsApp no. (+1-246-253-2030) his/her name and shirt size.

Given merely seven weeks to the start line, the shirts must be ordered by 6 January 2020.

Finally, we hope that enough funds are gathered from internal sources to position the race fee at B$50.00 - less than half that of Run Barbados.